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A Systematic Approach to Growing Email Newsletter Subscribers for Product Businesses

Last Updated 12/16/2021Posted in Marketing Fundamentals

Despite the proliferation of social media, growing email subscribers is as important today as ever but there is often confusion about how to go about this in a systematic way.

Two Solid Techniques to Grow Your Email Subscriber List

In the video above and summary below we show you how to add email opt-in prompts to your website and how to take advantage of Social Promotions to spur the growth of your subscriber list.

Here are the tools referenced in the video*:

Remember, giveaways need to have broad appeal and be valuable enough to get someone to take the time to enter - you need to clear the expected value threshold given the perceived odds of winning. You can also sweeten the deal by giving every entry a coupon so everyone wins a little.

Entries are also driven by your marketing activities - social media shares, emails to your existing subscribers and paid ads (social media and otherwise) are all critical to driving participation.

Don't be confused, this requires an investment of time and money however it's not very expensive and has a solid ROI if you do it well and have a desirable product.

Need inspiration for your next giveaway?

Check out many of the promotions we've run on our Pinterest board.

A few blog posts referenced in the video above are:

Looking for help?

Contact Us to See how we can help run a social promotion or plan for growth.

* in some cases we may earn a commission for referrals... obviously not the free tools.

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