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🌱 Join Sykesville Pilot Composting Program! 🌱

We are excited to invite you to participate in our new composting initiative! This program is supported by the Downtown Sykesville Connection (DSC) fundraisers and a grant awarded to the DSC by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. 

Enjoy educational sessions coordinated by Charlotte, Sarah, and Tainne of Troop 1290, along with composting experts.

Dates & Experts:

  • June 19: Nicole Batista, Sykesville resident and expert composter
  • July 17: Diane Bayless, Carroll County Master Gardener


  • Composter Distribution & Educational Sessions: Sign-up is required to receive a composter. Priority will be extended to Town of Sykesville residents for the composter giveaway, but anyone is welcome to attend the sessions!
  • Choose a tabletop and backyard composters while supplies last.

Throughout the summer, we'll be sharing valuable composting tips and advice and answering your questions to support your composting journey on Facebook or via email:

Be sure to follow us for regular updates and helpful information.

Check our webpage for additional information.

Additional Date:

  • September 18: Addressing any additional questions or concerns about our program.


  • Sykesville Community Garden, 7547 Main Street, downtown Sykesville.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, engage, and contribute to a greener community!

Originally posted by Downtown Sykesville Connection via Locable
Downtown Sykesville Connection

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Downtown Sykesville Connection

7566 Main Street, Suite 302
Sykesville, MD 21784
(410) 216-4543


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