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Planapalooza Wrap Up

Hello Manchester!Planapalooza continues!  Please consider putting Thursday’s Work-In-Progress meeting on your calendar.  This meeting will be a progress report on all of the meetings, planning and conversations that have been happening all over town this week, and an opportunity for attendees to voice additional thoughts and ideas.  This is a critical meeting as we craft a community vision and goals for our 10 year Plan of Conservation and Development and it will take place both in person and online- from 6:00-8:00.   We hope you will be able to join us.  Several dozen people attended our Hands-On-Workshop on Monday and many more have stopped by the open studio at WORK_SPACE over the past couple of days to discuss what they love about Manchester and what they see as coming NEXT.  However, we know there are many more people out there who have interest in Manchester’s future and we want to hear from you and them!  If you can’t attend Thursday night or would like to check out our work at the studio- feel free to stop down Wednesday or Thursday as well.  Please also tell your friends, neighbors and colleagues.  Work-In-Progress Meeting- Thursday, May 19- 6-8 PMLive and in Person: Manchester High School Cafeteria- Please park in the Brookfield lot and enter through that entrance- map attached. Via Zoom:  Originally posted by Downtown Manchester Special Services District via Locable
Downtown Manchester Special Services District

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Downtown Manchester Special Services District

903 Main Street
Manchester, CT 06040