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Share your Events, News, Jobs...and coming this week..OFFERS AND GIFT CARDS!!!!

Why should you claim your Locable Account? Great question!

1. You want to make sure your business information is accurate and complete in our directory. This is FREE!

2. From that account you can:

- Do simple blog posts that will display on our website (and yours if you choose.) This is a great way to announce a menu update, new hours, product release, or highlight a new staff member!

- Create events (sales, deadlines, meetings, classes and more!) that post to the calendars on our page (and yours if you choose.)

- Post Job Openings that post to our Job Board on our site (and yours if you choose)

- Offers -- Here is where you can share online coupons, happy-hour specials, spring sales, and more! View the Downtown Offers for the Butterfly Stroll here! This is where your offers will post on our site (and you can post them on yours, too if you choose!)


- Gift Cards -- On Thursday we are going to go live with our Downtown Gift Card Shop on our website. You can list your gift cards on our site. Customers purchase them on our site, through YOUR STRIPE ACCOUNT (stripe required). You receive the payment and notification. You fulfill the order in the way you desire (send e-card, mail a physical, require in-store pickup -up to you!)

CLICK HERE for instructions on the e-commerce FREE TOOL that will allow you to sell gift cards on our site! (Please note: this tool will allow you to sell other items on your site, as a free tool, if you choose. However, we are ONLY allowing gift cards to be shared on our website at this time.)

Originally posted by Downtown Manchester Special Services District via Locable
Downtown Manchester Special Services District

5.0 (4 Reviews)
Downtown Manchester Special Services District

903 Main Street
Manchester, CT 06040