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Engage with the Streetscape Project Plans: Ask, Comment, Share Ideas!

Have you heard about the Town of Manchester's Complete Streetscape Project that will be coming to Downtown Manchester?  The Town of Manchester announced the original concept and plans last year. They have now secured funding and are entering the next phase of planning and preparing for construction!

They are ready to HEAR FROM YOU!  

Please CLICK HERE to view the project on the Town's Your Voice Matters platform. 

On this page you can:

1. View the Full Project Narrative that includes photographs of the initial concepts, a description of the benefits and reasoning behind the project, and more. 

2. Subscribe to receive updates as they are posted to the page.

As you scroll down, you can also:

1. Read articles with updates and staff responses to commonly shared questions.

Click on the "Forum" tab to 

1. Register for an account or sign in. (An account is needed in order to add a comment or question.)

2. Go directly to the forum to read comments and responses posted by others.

Once you register for an account, you can add your comments and questions!

Now that you have an account, you can share your ideas from the idea tab on the main page!

Originally posted by Downtown Manchester Special Services District via Locable
Downtown Manchester Special Services District

5.0 (4 Reviews)
Downtown Manchester Special Services District

903 Main Street
Manchester, CT 06040