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Fall Event Planning Team Update

We held our first meeting in mid-August! 

CLICK HERE To read a summary of what was decided at that meeting!

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, 9/6. We will meet at 6 pm at WORK_SPACE (903 Main St.) The meeting will focus on planning our Holiday on Main event which takes place during Small Business Saturday (11/25) each year.

You can use this form to register for the meeting AND begin signing up for volunteer opportunities!

Examples of Volunteer Opportunities (see form)

  • Hanging posters around Downtown
  • Helping on 10/21 : Bag Decorating, Passing out Candy, Helping with Crafts
  • Helping on 11/25 : Many opportunities to help!

CLICK HERE to sign up!

Originally posted by Downtown Manchester Special Services District via Locable
Downtown Manchester Special Services District

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Downtown Manchester Special Services District

903 Main Street
Manchester, CT 06040