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Library Planning Update from the Library Building Committee

The Library Building Committee has been working with town officials, Friar/ HBM Architects, and construction managers O&G Industries, and recently presented exciting initial design renderings of the external building. The full presentation can be found here, summarizing the design building process to date and forecasted future activities and timelines.

For ongoing updates on the progress of the library, please go to Your Voice Matters Manchester, and to Designing & Building Our Future Library under Featured Projects. You will find the project timeline, minutes of meetings, and a report of the recent community engagement activities which is informing the building project, among other reports and documents.

Check out this video animation of entering the library from the Main/ Maple street intersection. Our 21st Century library is coming to life!

The design team will be working next on interior design details, as well as sustainable energy efficiencies that will make this a state-of-the-art facility which will serve future generations of Manchester residents.
We are very excited to share this update with you- please forward this to friends and neighbors.
Onward and upward!

Stephen Ristau
Library Building Committee member
Originally posted by Downtown Manchester Special Services District via Locable
Downtown Manchester Special Services District

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Downtown Manchester Special Services District

903 Main Street
Manchester, CT 06040