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Welcome!Winterfest Parade this year will be November 30, 2024 @ 2PM. Entry registration needs to be completed by Tuesday, November 26th.Float/parade (cars, horses, walkers, etc.) entries will need to be present and in line no later than 1:00pm! Lineup will start at 12:00PM (Noon) on Spring Street by Ozark Funeral home. We will line you up in order of arrival the day of the parade, except horses, they will be last to line up.NO entry fee required.

Downtown Anderson

S Main St, Anderson, SC 29624
Nov 30, 2024
2:00 PM CST to 5:00 PM CST
Originally posted by McDonald County Chamber of Commerce via Locable
McDonald County Chamber of Commerce

McDonald County Chamber of Commerce

308 Harmon Street
Pineville, MO 64856

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 9:00am- 2:00pm