Do Germs Cause Disease
Do Germs Cause Disease?
What Do People Say About Getting Sick?
"Don’t get too close to me, I have a cold." "My kids brought something home from school." "I’ve got that flu that’s going around." "Its cold and flu season, I hope I don’t catch something." "That flu virus got me."
You see… many people think sickness comes from the outside and germs are lurking out there waiting to pounce on you and make you sick. The truth is that if germs are unable to find a suitable place to grow and multiply they will cease to exist.
Antibiotics To The Rescue?
Antibiotics only kill bacteria. Aside from the fact that a majority of infections are involved with viruses and antibiotics are useless against viruses, there is a bigger picture here. The medical community has overused antibiotics to the point where pathogenic bacteria have mutated into resistant strains that are no longer killed by antibiotics. Science now tells us, the overuse of antibiotics can permanently damage the flora (good bacteria) of the gut and your immunity.
Here’s an analogy to help explain how fighting disease with antibiotics makes little sense; unless the antibiotics are used for life threatening conditions. Suppose you have a garbage can in your back yard. One day, you take out the garbage and you notice flies hovering all around your garbage can. So, you run into the house or garage, grab a can of bug spray and destroy all the flies. You love all of God’s creatures; you just hate the flies. When you return later in the day to take out more garbage, what do you find, More flies. How come? The bug spray kills the flies you sprayed, but there are always more flies. If you really want to get rid of the flies, you need to clean up the garbage.
When it comes to infections, antibiotics just "spray" the bacteria; there are always more bacteria to return to the garbage. At the same time, you not only launch an attack against the bad bacteria, but also, the normal healthy flora (bacteria) necessary for our survival. How about a better approach? Raise the health within your body so you do not have an environment where the bacteria can thrive. Think about it… If the germ theory of disease was correct there would be no one left on earth to believe it.
A healthy immune system is predestine to recognize invading bacteria and viruses. A wellness approach to chiropractic care will promote an immune system to function at its optimal level. An optimal functioning immune system can lesson the systems from a bacteria or viral invasion or possibly keep you from having any ill effects at all. Contact Savage Chiropractic to learn more about how your nervous system and immune system work together.
Savage Chiropractic - Dr. David C Savage
3901 Missouri Flat Road
Placerville, CA 95667
(530) 626-0338