Headache and Posture
There are many medication-free methods for getting relief from your headaches or even eliminating them altogether. Try these medication alternatives for pain relief:
Caffeine–Did you know that small amounts of caffeine can help relieve pain from mild tension headaches? According to an interesting article “One way that caffeine may help is by blocking brain receptors to adenosine, a neurotransmitter that can cause blood vessels to dilate and create pressure.” Try drinking a cup of hot chai or green tea- but remember that this method is only effective if you consume less than 150 mg of caffeine per day normally.
Temperature Therapy – Coldness restricts blood flow, which can aid in pain relief. Apply a cold compress to the affected area, for about 20 minutes at a time.
Relaxation Techniques – Simple breathing and stretching exercises can relax tense muscles that can cause headaches. Breathe deeply, and stretch gently - by doing head and shoulder rolls.
- Improving Posture – Did you know a poor posture can trigger headaches? Slumped shoulders and forward head and neck posture increases the stretch and tension on the nerves, blocking the free-flow of information and energy through your nervous system and can result in headaches and migraines. The good news is that correcting your posture permanently is possible, which can help ease and eliminate headaches altogether. Dr. Savage focuses his work on identifying the source of the problem, adjusting the appropriate area so the body can heal itself. If you are in the Placerville area, and would like to schedule a posture analysis, call Savage Chiropractic today.
Spinal manipulation from gentle and effective chiropractic care can treat and alleviate the pain from tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck. Beyond that, however, corrective chiropractic care, which aims to address the underlying structural dysfunction in the spine, can help to permanently erase the pain from headaches and neck pain for those who qualify.
If you have bad posture, even if you are pain-free and think you’re healthy, there may be chronic underlying conditions caused by your permanently misaligned spine. Call Savage Chiropractic today to get a postural assessment.
Recent research published in the National Institute of Health’s PubMed stated in a controlled study, those with severe and chronic migraine headaches were found to more likely have a cervical lordosis typically referred to as “Forward Head Posture”. Your posture has more effect on your health than you might think. Dr. Savage refers to the posture as a “window to your health” as it is most often directly correlated with a patient’s overall condition. So what is the bottom line? If you have bad posture, it most likely has affected your spinal structure, and if the structure of your neck is compromised, one of the most common symptoms, besides neck pain and shoulder pain, is chronic headaches and tension headaches.
If you have bad posture, even if you are pain-free and think you’re healthy, there may be chronic underlying conditions caused by your permanently misaligned spine. Call Savage Chiropractic today to get a postural assessment.
Originally posted by Savage Chiropractic - Dr. David C Savage via LocableSavage Chiropractic - Dr. David C Savage
3901 Missouri Flat Road
Placerville, CA 95667
(530) 626-0338