Posts from Main Street Murfreesboro
Displaying blogs 1 - 12 of 210 in totalLets Talk About The Women Who Inspire Us This list of influential Rutherford County women was developed in 2019-2020 in order to give voice to a diverse, representational select...
Quality Parts ExpressFrom: The Daily News-Journal Murfreesboro, Tennessee • Sat, Sep 7, 1996 Page 23 By LISA MARCHESONI Staff writer Crime doesn't always pay...
WGNSWGNSbegan in the historic downtown district at 10:45PM, Dec. 31, 1946 and "rang-in the New Year of 1947". Since those beginningsover78-y...
Main Street's Downtown Design Awards for 2024As a continued tradition that started in 2003, the Downtown Design Award was selected by the Design Committee under Main Street Murfrees...
Main Street's Downtown Doug Young Leadership Award"Doug's passion for helping others and his commitment to making our community a better place to live and work are seen in everything he ...
40 years downtown...Anne Davis and many other community leaders saw their hard work pay off when Murfreesboro was selected to participate in the Main Street...
40th anniversary celebration of Main Street MurfreesboroMain Street Murfreesboro is proud to announce its 40th Anniversary Celebration, taking place on Tuesday, March 4, from 4:30 to 6:00 PM a...
Palace Barber Shop Palace Barber Shop officially opened in March of 1931 in the basement of the Commerce Union Bank under the management of Ira Johns, form...
Timeline of Murfreesboro Mural Wall ProjectMural on the Wall at The walnut house
City TileDoug Young and his wife Susan opened City Tile in 1957 to serve the Middle Tennessee area. His son Andrew took ownership and has grown t...
Holden HardwareOpening in the remodeled building on the west side of the square, formerly occupied by the Charlie Jetton grocery, Rollie Holden and Hor...
Jrs FoodlandThe first H.G Hill Company opened on the square in 1915. This newspaper article is from November 4th,1927 that states there are 2 H G Hi...
4.9 (9 Reviews)
Main Street Murfreesboro
225 West College Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
(615) 895-1887