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Palace Barber Shop

Formally called White Front Barber Shop

Palace Barber Shop officially opened in March of  the basement of the Commerce Union Bank under the management of Ira Johns, former manager of the White Front Barber Shop. Associated with Mr. Johns are Chas Vaughn, Roy, L. Pugh, and P. W. Carter

Palace Barber Shop moved to 111 East Main Street after 22 years.

Palace Barber gets a "Ultra Modern" make over in 1969

Palace announces it move to 110 N Church Street in 1993

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Snap- eye's the best shine man 'ever was'

If you were to enter Palace Barber when it was located in the basement of the bank or on East Street then you would of met Mr. Jim Taylor.  Jim "Snap-eye" Taylor, was a longtime Murfreesboro shoe shiner, and in 1987 he celebrated his 75th birthday and 65 years in the business. Working at Palace Barber & Style Shop, Taylor reminisced about the past, when shoe shines were a bigger part of daily life, tipping was more generous, and people came just to hear him "pop the rag"β€”a lost art from the 1940s and β€˜50s. He saw economic changes, with polish prices rising from 10 cents to nearly $2, and fewer young people valuing a good shine. Loyal customers like William S. Holden praised his skill and friendship.  "Jim is an institution around Murfreesboro," said barbershop owner Randall Hall.  Despite shifts in the trade, Taylor remained dedicated, enjoying his work and the people he met.

Article from The Daily News-Journal
Murfreesboro, Tennessee β€’
Sun, Nov 15, 1987
Page 29

Still one of the best Christmas displays in town

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Originally posted by Main Street Murfreesboro via Locable