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Weaving Small Business Saturday, Community, and Sustainability in Central City

In the heart of Central City, Small Business Saturday unfolded as more than just a shopping event—it became a celebration of community, creativity, and sustainable living. At the forefront of this initiative was RenewAll Inc., an American Express Neighborhood Champion, working hand-in-hand with the Old Central City Association to support local businesses and intertwine the threads of community, art, and sustainability.

RenewAll Inc. took center stage as an American Express Neighborhood Champion, championing the cause of Small Business Saturday in Central City. RenewAll's commitment to supporting local businesses was evident throughout the event, as we played a crucial role in orchestrating activities that wove the community together.

RenewAll and HCM's Sustainable Impact

The day kicked off with a burst of creativity at with Huntington Children's Museum. Families engaged in a variety of activities that not only entertained but also educated. The museum's (now) annual gingerbread house fundraiser came back to Central City, emphasizing sustainability through upcycled creations.

The collaboration with RenewAll Inc. brought a sustainable touch to the festivities. The gingerbread house fundraiser, an upcycled activity, showcased how RenewAll threads small business, art, and sustainability efforts in Central City. Families and individuals embraced the challenge of crafting gingerbread houses from recycled materials, transforming a beloved tradition into a statement of environmental consciousness. Small Business Saturday served as a day to drop off these made gingerbread houses and deliver them to shop windows. 

In the essence of Central City's Small Business Saturday, RenewAll Inc. emerged as a crucial thread, weaving together the community's support for local businesses, artistic endeavors, and sustainable practices. Through their collaboration with the Old Central City Association and Huntington Children's Museum, RenewAll demonstrated that supporting small businesses goes beyond transactions—it's about creating a vibrant, interconnected community that thrives on creativity, sustainability, and shared celebrations. Read more about Small Business Saturday here

Originally posted by RenewAll via Locable