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The Creative ReUse Cowboy Visits Village Antiques

The Creative ReUse Cowboy and his partner Lil Willie, the mascot for the Appalachian ReUse Hub (previously the ReUse Corridor), visited Village Antiques this past week! The Creative ReUse Cowboy is on a mission to inspire others to find ways to reuse. In a world where things are quickly thrown away, the ReUse Cowboy is here to showcase the creativity and the importance of reusing items that may end up in landfills. 

Upcycling for Inspiration

As it was their first visit to Village Antiques, The Creative ReUse Cowboy and Lil Willie highlighted a few unique items, such as an upcycled door. “Can you believe someone was gonna throw this out one day?” asked the Creative Cowboy. “Well, I said, ‘son, if a man knows what he’s doing, this door could make a beautiful mural someday!” As the Creative Cowboy jokes about this hand-painted door, actually made by local artist Bex Hall, he does make a point that one should consider beautifying and upcycling before tossing old into a landfill.

Humorous Education on Sustainability

The Creative ReUse Cowboy also educates in a few of his jokes as well. “Human beings have been reusing and creating things since the dawn of time,” said the Creative Cowboy, “Here’s an idea, come on down to Village Antiques and pick out one of these license plates and hang them on your wall for a little decoration!”
RenewAll and the Appalachian ReUse Hub plan to take the Creative ReUse Cowboy to other shops in the district, highlighting the importance of sustainability and how one can be a sustainable, earth-friendly shopper by simply buying vintage! Check out the Appalachian ReUse Hub online today!
Originally posted by RenewAll via Locable