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Strengthening Community Ties: RenewAll Inc and the American Red Cross Team Up for Home Fire Safety

In a heartening move towards community safety and resilience, RenewAll Inc recently partnered with the American Red Cross to bolster home fire safety in West Huntington. This initiative was kickstarted at the beginning of 2024 during a pivotal West Huntington Organization meeting held at RenewAll Office. The highlight of this particular monthly meeting was a compelling presentation by Roy Grimmett, the Disaster Program Manager for the Tri-State Chapter of the American Red Cross. Roy shared his unwavering passion for enhancing home safety through the Sound the Alarm Program, an initiative that the Red Cross proudly supports nationwide throughout the year.

(Photo above: Volunteers, Huntington Fire Dept Station #4, American Red Cross, and RenewAll Inc prepare for the day of action Tuesday June 11th, 2024)

The Sound the Alarm Program: A Lifesaving Initiative

The Sound the Alarm Program is a flagship campaign by the American Red Cross aimed at reducing fire-related deaths and injuries in the U.S. by installing free smoke alarms in homes and educating families about fire safety. This year, the Tri-State Chapter, under Roy's dedicated leadership, focused its efforts on the West End of Huntington. The annual Sound the Alarm event in this area was designed to reach as many homes as possible, ensuring they are equipped with functional smoke alarms and that residents are informed about fire safety protocols. The team began their campaign and call for installs in April and ended their call for installs at Old Central City Days. 

(Photo above: The American Red Cross staff and volunteers table at the 33rd Annual Old Central City Days to get sign-ups for the Sound the Alarm micro-event.)

National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) Facts

The American Red Cross uses NFPA statistics when educating about fire safety. Here are some interesting facts about fire safety:

- Home fires are the nation's most frequent disaster.

- 60% of home fire deaths occur in homes without working smoke alarms.

- You have an average of just 2 minutes to escape a home fire once starts.

- Home fires claim an average of 7 lives a day in the US.

- Families should create a two-minute escape plan and practice it twice a year.

- Never go back inside once you have escaped.  Have a meet-up spot all family members know to go to.

- Open home floor plans and synthetic materials can increase the rate of spread.

A Successful Community Effort

RenewAll staff assisted with spreading the word about the installation event and being a beacon of support for West End residents who are looking for ways to make their homes safer. In addition to support from RenewAll, the American Red Cross partnered with the Huntington Fire Department and gathered volunteers from near and far to assist with installs. Reflecting on the recent micro-event in West Huntington, Roy Grimmett shared the achievements with great pride:

"Yesterday, we completed the installation part of this Home Fire Campaign in our West Huntington micro-STA event. This was the final step in our process. We were able to make 16 homes fire safer, install 42 smoke alarms in those homes, and service/educate 38 people through your efforts."

These impressive numbers are a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. The impact of installing 42 smoke alarms in 16 homes and educating 38 residents about fire safety cannot be overstated. Each alarm installed and each person educated represents a step towards a safer community, potentially saving lives in the event of a fire.

(Photo above: American Red Cross volunteer walked around Old Central City Days spreading the word about the Sound the Alarm program and micro-event.)

Gratitude and Forward Momentum

Roy Grimmett extended his heartfelt thanks to all who contributed to the success of this event:

"I want to thank everyone who played a role in the researching, planning, promoting, and execution of this successful (possible Life Saving) smoke alarm installation event. This event could not have taken place without your continuous support. The Red Cross values our partnership."

This partnership and community effort with the American Red Cross exemplifies the power of community collaboration. By working together, these organizations have made significant strides in enhancing the safety and well-being of West Huntington residents.

(Photo to Right: Roy presenting a framed certificate of appreciation from the Sound the Alarm program to the Huntington Fire Dept.)

Looking Ahead

As we look to the future, RenewAll Inc remains committed to supporting such vital initiatives. The recent Sound the Alarm event is just the beginning. With continued collaboration and community engagement, we aim to expand our efforts, ensuring that every home in our community is equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to prevent fire-related tragedies.

RenewAll is proud to stand alongside the American Red Cross in this mission and is grateful for the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in our community. Together, we can build a safer, more resilient West Huntington.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to get involved in our ongoing efforts to support and uplift our community. Your participation and support are invaluable as we strive to create a safer environment for all.

(Photo to Left: American Red Cross Volunteer installing a smoke alarm in a West Huntington home.)
Originally posted by RenewAll via Locable