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Nomination Advances: Historic Tax Credits could bring new resources for property investment on 14th St West

Historic Tax Credits are incentives that help preserve historic structures and encourage the redevelopment of buildings and properties. The 14STW District Plan highlights the importance of reusing buildings to maintain the character of Central City District while reinventing the purpose for modern businesses and community services. RenewAll has helped bring this new resource to the forefront on 14STW by contracting an architect who is an expert in the historic preservation field. Here is the latest on the progress of the Historic Nomination of the 14STW District.  
Architect Mike Gioulis presented the 14th St West Historic District to the West Virginia Archives and History Commission for consideration at the spring meeting on June 13th. The meeting was held on Marshall's Campus, and the agenda featured the presentation of similar districts and historical sites in West Virginia, including Marshall's Memorial Fountain (photographed right). The commission members include representatives of statewide history and preservation organizations, university professors and researchers, and community members. It was a great opportunity to meet the staff of the Department of Arts, Culture, and History, including Secretary Randall Reid-Smith.  
The presentation highlighted the eligible criteria for the nomination, providing pictures and a description of the district's historic importance. Mike Gioulis and his team diligently researched the history and photographed each building. RenewAll supported this project with a grant from the Foundation for the Tri-State matched with donations.  

Fortunately, the West Virginia Archives and History Commission unanimously approved the nomination and commended the work to preserve the area's distinct history and the excitement of visiting the district today. The district now moves on to the National Parks Service for final review and, hopefully, approval. RenewAll expects to hear about the nomination within the next 45 days.  

The nomination of 14STW as a Historic District represents the first district in Huntington to be nominated since 2007.  

Originally posted by RenewAll via Locable