This Month's Donation Thank Yous + Birthday Acknowledgements
Annual Appeal Donations
18 Anonymous Donors
Aaron and Patience Bousel
Aaron Kropf in honor of The Jewish Community of Amherst
Alexis Brooks and Billy Spitzer In memory of Eva Brooks
Alison Ozer
Amanda Walling
Amy and Nolan Anaya in honor of the birth of Irv and Linda Seidman's great granddaughter
Amy Kroin and Robert Radin in honor of Rabbi Weiner
Amy Mittelman and Aaron Berman
Andra Rose in honor of Mara Hahn for her inspired leadership
Anonymous x12
Barbara & Michael Burkart in memory of Maralin and Warren Weinberg
Barbara and Jim Pistrang
Barbara Carey
Barbara Jenkins in honor of the yahrzeits of Karen Kwartler Harper and Eli Kwartler
Barry & Catherine Solomon
Bernard & Elissa Rubinstein
Bri and Marc Maier in memory of Ruth & Max Maier
Bruce Goderez
Carol Silver
Caroline Raisler
Cheryl Zoll and Eric Sawyer
Christine & Stephen Marglin
Daniel Sheff
Danielle Kadinoff
David & Myra Ross
David Levit and Ruth Kane-Levit
David Rabinovitz and Jordene Hale
Dennis Rosen and Anne Krauss
Diane & Douglas Gnepp
Ed and Sara Curley in loving memory of Marcia Goldman
Ellen Mentin
Eric Somers and Lee Jennings
Evelyn Goldenberg
Fay Zipkowitz
Harry and Mara Hahn in memory of our parents - Gerson and Chaya Kaplan, Richard Hahn
Helen & Amy Sternheim
Herbert & Mary Bernstein
IL Cohen Foundation
Irv & Linda Seidman
Jacqueline Katz
James Seltzer and Holly Perry
Janet Quint in memory of Eleanor Quint
Janet R. Potash
Janis Levy
Jay and Catherine Alpert
Jayne Palmer
Jean Krogh and Bob Solosko
Jeanie Forray
Jeanne Friedman
Jeffrey & Deborah Roth-Howe
Jeffrey and Amy Kalman
Jeffrey Cohen
Jena & M.J. Schwartz
Jennifer Hamilton in memory of Jacob Speaks
Jill Roberts & Richard Pivirotto
Joanna and Clay Ballantine
Jonathan & Melanie Lewis
Judith Glaser in memory of Ted Slovin
Katherine Schmeiser in memory of Mabel
Kathy Pollard
Ken Schoen
Kenneth and Kitty Talan in honor of those working towards peace in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world
Kirsten Mishkin & Roy Ginsberg
Leslie Lorber
Linda & Daniel Reif
Linda Sinapi
Madeleine Charney in honor of Women of Vision (Jewish and Palestinian Israelis who visited Western MA in September)
Maggie Kearney
Marc Cohen
Marcia Wolff
Marilyn and Jeff Blaustein
Marilyn and Joe Kushick
Mark Phillips in honor of Harry and Sylvia Phillips
Martin, Brenda & Stanley Miller
Marvin & Edythe Ellin
MaryAnn Grim
Michael and Barbara Levine in honor of Mara Hahn
Michael Bulmand and Ronnie Janoff-Bulman
Michael Hoffman in honor of Sid & Ellaine Rose and Harvey Hoffman
Moira and Stephen Clingman
Nathan & Pearl-Anne Margalit - Happy Chanukah. May there be light at the end of the tunnel for our hostages.
Nikki Fonsh
Nina and Don Tetenbaum
Nina Mankin
Oran Kaufman and Danielle Barshak
Philippe Galaski
Reed and Arnie Alper
Richard and Jennifer Michelson
Rita Kropf in memory of Allen Kropf
Rob Okun & Adi Bemak
Robert & Ellen Kaufman
Robert Feldman & Katherine Vorwerk Feldman
Robert Horowitz and Catherine Nagel in memory of Claire Nagel Chambless
Robin and Ted Diamond in memory of Beloved JCA founder Ted Slovin
Ronnie Booxbaum
Roslyn Heafitz
Ruby Schmerling
Ruth and Howard Smith
Sallie Deans Lake and Kevin Lake
Samuel Gladstone
Shelah Bloom
Stephen & Beverly Woolf
Steven and Janis Wolkenbreit
Steven Markow
Susan Zarchin
Tamar Shadur in honor of The World Jewish Concerns Committee
Zvi Rozen and Jane Gronau
January Donations + February Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for January 2025.
General Fund
Len and Marian Lubinsky {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Amy Anaya {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Marc Ladin {in honor of Phoenix and Sora Ladin}
Susan Zarchin {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Susan Zarchin {in honor of Ruth Love's 75th Birthday}
De Larson & Carol Gannon {in honor of Ted Slovin}
Laurie & Matt Rudorfer {in honor of Dr. Ted Slovin}
Leonard Lubinsky {in memory of my father Charles Lubinsky}
Lee Bridegam {in honor of Ted, for a life well-lived}
Beth Lev {in memory of Steven Tabor}
Barbara & Michael Burkart {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Tikkun Olam Fund
Elissa and Bernie Rubinstein {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Ronnie Williams and Suzanne Arnopolin {in memory of Ted Slovin and his warm, welcoming smiles and hugs}
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Ronnie Williams and Suzanne Arnopolin {in honor of Ruth Love and her 75th birthday. Thank you for all that you do for the JCA}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in honor of Ted Slovin}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in memory of Michael S. Glaser, brother of Judy Glaser May his memory be a blessing}
Irv and Linda Seidman {in appreciation of Haim Gunner's conducting a baby naming ceremony for our great granddaughter Ida Williams, whose Hebrew name is Rivka, in memory of Linda's mother, Ruth}
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA February Birthdays!
Leah Hirshberg, Joel Harris, Eliana Strohmeidav, Elan Samet, Jeffrey Cohen, Lawrence Wishnow, Linda McConnell, Rabi Mednicoff-Misra, Amber Bemak, Leora Schwartzer, Adam Horowitz, Misha Herscu, Rosalie Eisen, Steven Wolkenbreit, Elinor Levine, Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum, Sarah Berlin, Sebastian McMahon, Beverly Woolf, Lena Amick, Margaret Mastrangelo, Donald Tetenbaum, Jody Wax, Benjamin Sarat, Julie Rosenshein, Janet Strauss, Robert Vigderman, Emily Bloch, Gabriella Georgiades, Ronnie Booxbaum, Cara Kingston, Jacob Black, Karsten Theis, Alex Bloom, Barbara Berlin, Liliya Miller, Nina Tetenbaum, Gabriel Kaufman, J. Marshall Ash, Naomi Heller, Asa Parker-Bernstein, Frederick Bloom, Gary Rehorka, Rhonda Frankel-Fein, Charles Forray, David Sharken, Hal Schneider, Harry Rockland-Miller, Zachary Tobin, Bryn Chernoff, Eli Perkins, Shelly Krems, Sophie Lindsey, Amy Mittelman, Skye Ditzian, Marvin Ellin, Tom Porter, Yafa Chase, Deborah Roth-Howe, Nina Hernandez-Kliman
December Donations + January Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for December 2024.
General Fund
Bob Simon {in honor of my mom, Lora S. Simon for the marriage of her Grand Son - Dylan Simon to Indy Stevens in Washington DC on October 19, 2024}
Molly & Lee Jaffe
Lewis and Caden Mainzer {in memory of Lorrie Abraham, wife of my cousin Victor Abraham}
Anonymous (x2)
Arlene Ash
Hilda Greenbaum {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Daniel Souweine {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Reed and Arnie Alper {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Richard Fein Rhonda Frankel-Fein {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Richard Fein Rhonda Frankel-Fein {In honor of Barbara Slovin and family}
Robert and Kathy Feldman (in loving memory of Ted Slovin}
Evelyn Goldenberg {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Phyllis and Hans Herda {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Deborah Adler c/o Rudorfer {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Inge, Robert, and Ilse Ackerman {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Kip and Judi Fonsh {in memory of Boris Wolfson and Ted Slovin}
Janet and Albert Chevan {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Richard and Lucille Halgin {In memory of our beloved friend and colleague, Ted Slovin}
Elinor Levine and Scott Nielsen {in memory of Ted Slovin}
Yahrzeit Fund
Arlene Marcus
Cemetery Fund
Tikkun Olam Fund
Linda and Steve Bell {in memory of Ted, with our deepest sympathies}
Devorah Jacobson & Margaret Mastrangelo {in honor of Ruth Love Barer, in honor of her 75th birthday}
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA January Birthdays!
Bina Addes, Amy Bacon, Donna Baron, Charles Bodhi, Niva Busacker, Cheryl Campbell, John Clayton, Cole Davis-Brand, Irene Eigner, Eliana Eisenheim, Joshua Feldman, Thelma Fenster, Aviva Galaski, Rebecca Galaski, Joshua Gladstone, Shoshana Gladstone, Jeffrey Gold, Noah Goldman, Hilda Greenbaum, Ellen Grobman, Joshua Guthman, Ziva Harmatz, Lily Harris, Phyllis Herda, Hannah Israel, Mark Israel, Ronnie Janoff-Bulman, Jessica Ladin, Yechiael Lander, Maya Laur, Samuel Laur, Ramona Levine, Ramona Levine, David Levit, John Loeb, Karen Loeb, Maital London-Levy, Marc Maier, Nathan Margalit, Edie Meidav, Elijah Miller, Robyn Miller, Lynn Peterfreund, Sophia Rabinovitz, Nancy Ratner, SB Renfield, Noa Rhodes, Jayden Rosenbloom, Yael Rosenbloom, Terry Rosenfeld, Seth Rothberg, Michael Sardinas, Abigail Schmeiser, Micah Schmerling, Ken Schoen, Jena Schwartz, Nathan Silvern, Steven Silvern, William Simmons, Arya Snir, Barry Solomon, Bob Solosko, James Sweeting, Ted Trobaugh, Jennifer Turner, Aaron Valitt, Alan Weiner, Japhet Wise, Thomas Wolff, Marian Wolfsun
November Donations + December Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for November 2024.
General Fund
Stephanie Silverman {in honor of Ezra Chase Parry's Bar Mitzvah}
Judith Souweine {in memory of Gerald Klass, father of Lisa Kent}
Marc Ladin {Thank you for the lovely Shabbat Service and Kiddush last week!}
Steve Levine {In honor of Randi Stein}
High Holidays
Jody Rosenbloom and Joel Kaminsky {in memory of Boris Wolfson and in celebration Haim Gunner's 100th birthday}
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Jeff Cohen {In honor of the 80th birthday of Joan Saperstan}
Jeff Cohen {For the 5th yahrzeit of Florence Cohen}
Jeff Cohen {For the 24th yartzheit of Leo Cohen}
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA December Birthdays!
Catherine Alpert, Hannah Ballantine, Ruth Love Barer, Brian Bender, Yael Benvenuto-Ladin, Jeremiah Berlin, Hendrix Berry, Maya Bodhi, Brian Castriota, Yossi Charette, Madeleine Charney, Ariel Chase-Parry, Jaymie Chernoff, Candice Chouinard, Richard Cohen, Emaline Coler, Ted Diamond, Gavahn Dori Hacohen, Jesse Eisenheim, Robert Feldman, Eli Ferris, Jesse Ferris, Ellie Flint, Emmett Flint, Jonathan Fogelson, Zack Forray, Jared Franzman, David Gamliel, Avi Gladstone, David Glassberg, Solomon Goldstein-Rose, Rachael Goren, David Gottsegen, Jennifer Greene, Rachel Hall, Sydney Heller, Emily Huber, Ruth Kane-Levit, Rob Kibler, Talya Kingston, Christopher Klimmek, Rachel Klopfer, Kathryn Lachman, Karen Lavender, Lee Levi-Nielsen, Melanie Lewis, Ella Maier, Danielle Margalit, Azrael Mentin-Chamble, Callie Offner, Ellen Pashall, Emily Porter, Monroe Rabin, Jim Richardson, Susan Richardson, Michelle Risch, Joan Saperstan, Kate Schmeiser, Abby Seltzer, Matthew Seltzer, Tamar Shadur, Jamie Sharken, Gabriel Sommers, Judith Souweine, Anika Theis, Susan Thomas, Ethan Todras Whitehill, Rachel Vigderman, Marianne Wald, Benjamin Weiner, Robert Weitzman, Ronnie Williams, Raphael Wise, Benjamin Wolfson, Susan Zarchin
October Donations + November Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for October 2024.
General Fund
Devora Jacobson and Margaret Mastrangelo {in memory of Chana Baron, mother of JCA member Donna Baron and her husband Steven Silvern and their son and in memory of Goldie Miller, mother of JCA member Martin, his wife Brenda and their children}
Shelly Krems {In appreciation to Rabbi Weiner for conducting the unveiling ceremony for my wife, Margie Krems, and for all of his help along the way}
Bert Schwarz
Donna Baron & Steven Silvern {in memory of Chana Baron}
Donna Baron & Steven Silvern {in honor of Rabbi Weiner}
Marilyn and Jeff Blaustein {In appreciation of the kindness and attention Marilyn received from the Chesed Committee after her accident and recuperation. Also in memory of our loved ones.}
Elinor Levine and Scott Nielsen {for the honor of being called to the Torah for an Aliyah}
High Holidays
Anne Hartheimer
Jayne Eve Palmer {In honor of this community, despite my difficulty in actually getting to shul. In memory of sister Lyn.}
Jean Krogh and Bob Solosko
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Janet Bordwin {In honor of my son Charlie Kannel's wedding to Arden Kreeger. And in honor of my son and DIL Ethan and Rebecca Kannel's birth of their 2nd daughter Sophia Rose, joining 21 month old big sister Madelyn Paige.}
Jeff Cohen {in memory of Jackie Pack}
Carole and Les May, Ilana May Beigel {in memory of Joshua May}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in memory of Jackie Pack Segal on the first yortazeit}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in memory of Catherine Nagel's mother, Claire}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in memory of Felicia Mednik's mother, Miriam}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in honor of Ezra Chase- Perry becoming a Bar Mitzvah! Mazel tov}
Jeff Cohen {in memory of Catherine Nagel's mother, Claire}
Andy and Sharon Magin {In appreciation of Rabbi Weiner marrying our daughter and son in-law}
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA November Birthdays!
Sophie Acker, Jay Alpert, Mika Black, Patience Bousel, Faye Brady, Robert Brandt, Elena Butler, Moira Clingman, Austin Cohen, Leona Coler, Rivka Cooper, Audrey Davis-Brand, Christine Denison Bloom, Robin Diamond, Korrenne Dori Hacohen, Joyce Duncan, Nitya Eisenheim, Eve Eisman, Charlotte Elizabeth Falk, Richard Fein, Sarah Feldman, Richard Fogelson, Zacai Fogelson, Philippe Galaski, Miriam Gladstone, Elizabeth Goodlaxson Levy, MaryAnn Grim, Megan Gross, Nancy Grossman, Davida Hall, Carol Holzberg, Myles Jacobson, Leah Kalman, Carol Kaminsky, Charles Kannel, Joseph Lande, Eden Levin, Zion Mentin-Chamble, Aaron Miller, Brenda Miller, Martin Miller, Peter Mishkin, Aleah Nesteby, Tovah Nesteby Delprete, Ariel Nusbaum, Alan Peterfreund, Tevah Rose, Jamie Rowen, Austin Sarat, Lydia Sawyer, Sara Schley, Theodore Slovin, Ada Spitzer, Martie Stothoff, Zoe Tessler, Joshua Tetenbaum, Sarah Thomson, Elizabeth Trobaugh, Sharon Vardatira, Jane Wald, Shoshana Weiner, Shoshana Weiner, Chaia Wolf, Joshua Wolfsun, Fay Zipkowitz
September Donations + October Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for September 2024.
________________________________General Fund
Leonard Lubinsky and Marian Solomon Lubinsky {in memory of Robert Solomon father of Marian Solomon Lubinsky}
Nathan and Pearl-Anne Margalit {in honor of Frieda Howards and Haim Gunner's 100th birthdays}
Susan Caren {In memory of Joshua Benjamin May — to Carole and Les May and family: with deepest condolences of the passing of your beloved son}
Miriam and Bob Drukman {in memory of Josh May}
Renee and Charles Siegel {in memory of Josh May}
Cemetery Fund
Kitty and Ken Talan {in memory of Ken Bernstein‘s brother, Roger}
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Kitty and Ken Talan {in memory David Levit’s brother, Harry}
Rachel Magin and Daniel Corkran {in honor of Rabbi Ben performing their wedding ceremony}
High Holiday Donations
Aaron Kropf in honor of Allen and Rita Kropf |
Aaron Young |
Alex Lopez |
Alison Myra Ozer in memory of Ruth and Abe Ozer |
Amita Jarmon in honor of Natalie Jarmon |
Avraham Harris in honor of Lily Harris |
Carole and Les May in honor of Rabbi Winer |
Caroline Mazel-Carlton |
Carolyn יעל Provine in memory of Caroline & Jakob Meyer |
Chip Konowitz and Sujata Rege Konowitz |
Daniel Magin |
Deborah Jai Levy in honor of Sondra Levy |
Deborah Sacon in memory of Leonard Sacon |
Diane Gnepp in honor of Our children and our children’s’ children |
Elan Moses |
Eleanor Lin |
Elizabeth and Leah Goodlaxson-Levy |
Ellen Pashall |
Ellis Family |
Evelyn Aiello |
Frank Aronson in memory of Pauline and Marshall Aronson |
Heather Abel |
Henry Lappen |
Jaymie Chernoff |
Jeff & Amy Kalman |
Jill Kaufman in memory of Fran and Jack Kaufman |
Jinny Savolainen in memory of Kaia Saffron Savolainen |
Joanna and Gideon Morse in memory of Dorothy and Jacob Fagelman |
Joanne Lancin |
Jordan Menter |
Karen Levine in memory of Rebecca and Larry Levine |
Kate, Sam, Abbie, Josepj in memory of Mabel |
Laura Roberts in memory of Mollie and George Weiner |
Leah Berlin |
Liana Sweeney |
Linda & Daniel Reif in honor of Gabriel Reif & Ruth Swerdlow |
Lisa Lipkin in memory of George Lipkin |
Maital London-Levy in memory of Nathan and Lily London |
Marilyn Fichman |
Marilyn London-Ewing |
Mark Phillips |
Marty Kounitz |
Michael Greenwald |
Michelle Greston & Jeremy Korchak in memory of Memory of Wilma & Leo Greston |
Mimi Farb in memory of Sidney Feshbach |
Nancy Riemer and Larry Peltz in memory of Frieda Schwamenfeld |
Nina Mankin in memory of Marion Marx |
Nina Wishengrad |
Peter Sterling in honor of Benjamin Weiner |
Rachel Quimby and Ben Young in memory of Paige Williams |
Richie Davis |
Ruth P Moore in honor of Liz, Ellen and Jerry Rosenberg |
Sandra Sulsky |
Selina and Burt Woolf in honor of Hazzan Diana Brewer |
Stephen and Beverly Woolf |
Suzanne and Peter Spencer |
Tamar Shadur in memory of Rafi Shadur |
The Abel-Zucker Family |
Wendy Foxmyn in honor of Amy Anaya |
And 9 Anonymous donors
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA October Birthdays!
Leah Berlin, Louis Berman, Alan Black, Saul Blain, Marilyn Blaustein, Anne Burton, Judith Davis, Miriam DeFant, Michal Ganz, Gabriel Gladstone, Judy Glaser, Diane Gnepp, Douglas Gnepp, Lena Goldman, Shelly Gottsegen, Jane Gronau, Levi Hahn, Dorise Heller, Josette Henschel, Daniel Ben Herman, Shayna Hesselgrave, Sam Hipschman, Ricky James, Maggie Kearney, Daniel Kent, Christopher Kingston, Edith Kliman, Callan Klimmek, Leon Klimmek, Eric Klopfer, Phoenix Ladin, Max Levheim, Jeremy Levine, Jonathan Lewis, Bri Maier, Adam Mazur, Jenna Miller, Daniel Miller-Grossman, Skye Nunke, Anne Nusbaum, Micah Nusbaum, Harley Parry, Susan Pepper Aisenberg, Joshua Polak, David Ratner, Keren Rhodes, Jody Rosenbloom, David Roud, Amy Sardinas, Samuel Schmeiser, Corey Sharken, Jacob Smalley, Lev Snir, Catherine Solomon, Irene Soulos, Lonna Steinberg, Aviva Strong, Amy Sweeting, Rory Sweeting, Tobi Sznajderman, Dyan Wiley, Marvin Wolf
August Donations and September Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for August 2024.________________________________
General Fund
The Family of Boris Wolfson {In gratitude to the JCA staff and community for the support and love shown after Boris's passing.}
Bert Schwarz
Mara and Harry Hahn {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Laurence and Susanne Savett {in memory of Boris}
Sarah Cohen {in memory of H. George and Jean Cohen}
Susan Ritner and Sarah Neely {in memory of Normand Berlin and in honor of Barbara Berlin}
David Levit and Ruth Kane-Levit {in honor of Rabbi Weiner for the beautiful graveside service for Harry Levit, David's brother}
David Levit and Ruth Kane-Levit {in honor of Randi Stein for leading a lovely service at the Shiva for Harry Levit, David's brother}
David Levit and Ruth Kane-Levit {in honor of The Chevra Kadisha Committee for caring for and tending to the body of Harry Levit, David's brother}
David Levit and Ruth Kane-Levit {in honor of The Chesed Committee for their support at time of the death of Harry Levit, David's brother}
Scott Lerer
Tikkun Olam Fund
Kitty Talan {In honor of the birth of Azalea Abra new granddaughter of Amy Rothenberg and Paul Herscu}Devorah Jacobson and Margaret Mastrangelo {Mazal tov to: Amy Rothenberg and Paul Herscu on the birth of their first grandchild, Azalea Abra Trahey Herscu, Judith Souweine on the marriage of her son Daniel Souweine to Emily Sachs, and to Robin and Ted Diamond on the marriage of their son Spencer to Hailey Dennis}
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {Mazel Tov to Amy Rothenberg and Paul Herschel on the birth of their granddaughter Azalia}Ritual Life Objects Fund
Allan Feldman {In memory of Lois Litt}High Holiday Donations
Aaron & Patience BouselAlan Weiner in memory of Mollie and George Weiner
Alexis Brooks and Billy Spitzer in memory of Marvin Spitzer
Amy Mittelman and Aaron berman
Andra Rose in memory of Henry Rose
Anita Page
Barbara & Gordon Freed
Barbara & Michael Burkart in memory of Warren and Maralin Weinberg
Barbara and Ted Slovin
Barbara Schaffer Bacon
Bernie and Elissa Rubinstein in memory of our parents, Bella and Lou Rubinstein and Dorothy and Sidney Sway
Beverly and Stephen Woolf
Bri Maier
Caroline Raisler
Catherine Madsen in memory of Ellen Bernstein
Charlotte and John Schechter
Cheryl Zoll in honor of Rabbi Weiner's Leadership
Danielle Barshak & Oran Kaufman in memory of Ed and Regine Barshak and Enrique Kaufman
Dave Gottsegen in memory of Dr. Robert Abrams
David Glassberg and Lisa Kent in memory of Sol Glassberg
David Levit and Ruth Kane-Levit in memory of Harry Levit
David Rabinovitz & Jordene Hale in memory of Judy Hale
Dennis Rosen and Anne Krauss in honor of Granddaughter Esme Neve Rosen
Devorah Jacobson & Margaret Mastrangelo in memory of Edith and Sanford Jacobson, Vincent Mastrangelo
Donna Baron and Steven Silvern
Dorise Heller
Dr. Steven Markow in memory of Auntie Helene Bernstien
Dunne Family
Edie Emanuela Meidav in honor of Tsvi & Mae Meidav, Victor Menashe, Ellen Margron, Larry Bensky, Suzanne Levine
Elaine Walsh in honor of Rabbi Weiner
Elana Klugman and Jeff Weston in honor of Sara Klugman's safe return from Israel and the bginning of her 4th year of Rabbinical School.
Eliezer Huber
Elinor Levine & Scott Nielsen in memory of Ira A. Levine
Elizabeth and Ted Trobaugh in memory of Roberta and Irwin Berger
Ellen and Peter Berek
Ellen and Rob Kaufman in honor of Dr Haim Gunner 100th Birthday
Elya Rowa
Emily Bloch and Andrew Webster
Emily Mentin-Chamble and Dwayne Chamble in memory of Howard Mentin
Emmett Wald
Eric Weiss in honor of Martin and Helen Weiss
Fay Zipkowitz in memory of my parents Lee and Isadora Zipkowitz
Ferris-Lachman Family
Gene and Eva Goldwater
Guy Wood in honor of the JCA Board
Helena Donovan
Hollie Kalkstein and Bob Weitzman in memory of all the loved ones we miss daily
In honor of High Holiday greeters, ushers, and parking lot staff, in appreciation of their service
Irene Eigner and Bill Simmons in memory of Harry and Selma Eigner
James and Jane Wald in memory of Max and Gerda Wald
Janet Bordwin
Janet R. Potash in memory of Robert and Jeanne Potash
Jay and Catherine Alpert
Jeffrey Cohen in memory of Serafina Lori Holder Webb
Jena and M.J. Schwartz in memory of the victims of October 7
Jennifer Whitehill in memory of Susan Rattner Mendel
Jenny Kallick and Robert Bezucha in memory of Boris Wolfson
Jill Perzley Card in memory of William Perzley, Elaine Perzley, Richard Perzley
Jill Shulman
Joan and Monroe Rabin in honor of Rabbi Weiner
Jody Rosenbloom & Joel Kaminsky in memory of Boris Wolfson
Jonathan & Melanie Lewis
Judith Glaser in honor of Rabbi Weiner
Judith Souweine in memory of Jonathan Souweine
Judy Brodsky in memory of Art Brodsky
Karen Lavender in honor of Devorah Chajes
Kathryn Pollard
Ken Bernstein, and, Father of Leah/Louie and Asa Parker-Bernstein in memory of My Dear Brother, Roger-Neil Bernstein
Kevin and Sallie Deans Lake in memory of Jonathan Souweine, Kristen E. Lake, Michael Chernoff and Anthony Otto
Kitty and Ken Talan
Krista Harper & Michael Ash in memory of Rosalyn and Barney Ash
Levheim Family in honor of Rabbi Julia Speigel
Libby Arny
Linda McConnell in honor of Barbara Carey
Linda Mondschein
Lisa Perlbinder & Tom Porter in memory of Grayce & Arnold Perlbinder
Lisa Thompson & Ellen Landis in memory of Donald Landis
Madeleine Charney and Rudy Perkins in honor of Kip Fonsh, JCA Executive Board
Marcia Plant Jackson in memory of Alfred L Plant, Kaaren Plant
Marty and Susan Pepper Aisenberg
Marvin & Shelly Wolf
Matthew Sadof and Mndy Domb
Melanie S. Lewis and Whit Andrews in memory of Dr. Edmund and Marilyn Lewis
Merle & Rabbi Edward Feld in memory of Evelyn Zeleny
Michael Ash & Krista Harper in memory of Rosalyn and Barney Ash
Michael Bulman and Ronnie Janoff-Bulman
Miriam DeFant and Rob Kibler in memory of Geri and Michael DeFant
Molly Jackson-Watts in honor of Rabbi Weiner, staff and volunteer leaders who keep our community running
Murray and Peggy Schwartz in honor of Our Family Home at 108 Lessey Street
Nancy and David Ratner in memory of Boris Wolfson
Nancy Cohen
Nina and Donald Tetenbaum
Peter Mishkin
Rabbi Debra Kolodny
Rachel Magin and Daniel Corkran
Randi Stein
Reiken family
Rhonda Frankel-Fein and Richard Fein in honor of Rabbi Weiner
Robert Brandt and Joan Swerdlow-Brandt in honor of Rabbi Weiner
Robert Horowitz and Catherine Nagel in honor of the JCA Ne'imah Band and musical programing
Robert Kumin and Amy Shulman in memory of Abraham Lyon, Jean and Jack Shulman, Norma and Mike Kumin
Robert Samet
Robin and Ted Diamond
Ruby Schmerling in memory of Dror Shmerling
Ruth and Howard smith
Ruth Love Barer in honor of my grandson Milo Adam Cohen
Sarah Durham & Craig Winer
Sarah Thomson in honor of the founders and early members of the JCA
Sharon Weizenbaum in memory of Joseph Weizenbaum
Shelah Bloom
Shelly Krems
Shiri Dori-Hacohen
Susan & Jim Richardson in memory of Anna, Jack, Murry & Rachel Frankel
Susan Hogan in memory of Harvey siegel
Susan Zarchin in honor of Or rather appreciation of the JCA leadership and the community
Talia Goldwasser
Talya Kingston
The Brady Family
The Robison Family
The Schneider Family
The Turner Family in memory of Barbara Neidich
Thelma Fenster in memory of Moe and Lillian Fenster
Theo Peierls in memory of Marilyn and Harold Berkowitz
Tobi Sznajderman and Joel Harris in honor of All the people who run the show at JCA
And 8 Anonymous donors
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA September Birthdays!
Jonah Allaben, Thomas Andrews, Libby Arny, Ezekiel Ash, Jeremy Blaustein, Kaelyn Brunton, Macy Bryer-Charette, Elliot Burkart, Devorah Chajes, Aaron Clayton-Dunn, Ilana Cohen, Tani Cohen, Uri Cohen, Brian Dunne, Ruth Dunne, Noah Ferris, Kip Fonsh, Jeanie Forray, Burt Franzman, Rosa Friedman, Sheldon Goldman, Talia Goldwasser, Jonah Goren-Watts, Karen Helfer, Sophie Herscu, Benjamin Kingston, Aleeza Kropf, Sora Ladin, Pam Lavender, Rio Lavender, Ethan Lebowitz, Lisa Levheim, Pedro Levy, Leslie Lorber, Sophie Maier, Talia Meir, Nathan Mondschein, Jacob Mooney, Steven Palatt, Marian Parker, Marty Pepper Aisenberg, Mara Priestly, Chana Rabinovitz, David Rabinovitz, Benjamin Rehorka, Leah Roth-Howe, M.J. Schwartz, Amy Shulman, Miel Snir, Yedod Snir, Jonah Sommers, Claire Spencer, Richard Tessler, Kailey Tobin, Zoe Weizenbaum, Aza Wolfwood
July Donations and August Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for July 2024.General FundEddie & Merle Feld {in honor of Haim Gunner} Eddie & Merle Feld {in honor of Diana Brewer} Ruth & Howard Smith {in memory of Boris Wolfson} Havurat HaEmek {in honor of the generosity of the JCA in loaning us siddurim} Stephanie Sandler and Austin Sarat {in memory of Boris Wolfson} Linda Mondschein {in honor of Gloria and Sy Mondschein Yahrzeits} Leslie Lorber {in memory of Boris Wolfson} Jill Roberts {in honor of the yahrzeit of Peter Salzman} Barbara Black {in honor or Barbara Shaffer and Roger Bacon} Marc, Bri, Ella, Max and Sophie Maier {In honor of Ruth Love. Thank you so much for everything you did to support our family, most especially Ella, throughout the Bnai Mitzvah process. You are an incredible educator and we’re so grateful to you.} Marc, Bri, Ella, Max and Sophie Maier {In honor of Melissa and the entire kitchen crew, much gratitude for preparing a beautiful community Kiddush in honor of Ella’s Bat Mitzvah. |
Tikkun Olam FundAmy Rothenberg {in honor of the arrival of Azalea Abra Trahey Herscu, daughter of Sophia Doris Herscu and Alex Trahey, granddaughter of Amy Rothenberg & Paul Herscu} Rabbi's Discretionary FundMarc, Bri, Ella, Max and Sophie Maier {In honor of Rabbi Weiner, in appreciation for his support and guidance during Ella’s Bat Mitzvah} Additional Energy Fund DonationsReva and Scott Novey {in honor of Susan Marcus} People's Bank We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information. Happy birthday to all the JCA August Birthdays! Lisa Ades, Clay Ballantine, Nasia Benvenuto-Ladin, Ellen Berek, Aaron Berman, Lily Blain, Jeffrey Blaustein, Annique Boomsma, Emily Boutilier, Karen Burkart, Ezra Chase-Parry, Mallorie Chernin, Samuel Cohen, Jordan Diamond, Dvora Eisenstein, Keta Fogelson, Judi Fonsh, Ezra Fradkin, Jasper Fradkin, Deborah Galaski, Samuel Gladstone, Asher Green, Eleanor Green, Mason Green, Lisa Greenbaum, Michael Greenwald, Nina Hirshberg, Alexandra Hoffman, Karen Hoffman, Marcia Jackson, William Jackson, Barbara Jenkins, Oran Kaufman, Shira Kaufman, Oren Klopfer, Benna Kropf, Joseph Lake, Ella Levin, Rebecca Levit, Melanie Lewis, Eliana Lippa, Agho Mankin, Tabari Mann, Anna Markus, Adin Maynard, Margaret McLaren, Jennifer Michelson, Isabelle Mondschein, Robert Naiman, Scott Nielsen, Maddy Offner, Lisa Perlbinder, Linda Rauch, Arlyn Reiken, Andra Rose, Deborah Rosenbloom, Elya Manah Rowa, Bernard Rubinstein, Jack Ryan-Ackerman, Avi Schwartzer, Emmajoy Shulman-Kumin, Anna Sobel, Milo Sobel, Daniel Souweine, Isaac Souweine, Suzanne Spencer, August Spitzer, Shira Stothoff, Joan Swerdlow-Brandt, Catherine Talan, Kenneth Talan, Joan Temkin, Hannah Trobaugh, Daniel Valitt, Amanda Walling, Efraim Weinbarber, James Young
June Donations + July Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for June 2024.
General Fund
Lewis and Caden Mainzer {in honor of Adam Vigderman, son of Rachel and Robert Vigderman, on his Bar Mitzvah}
Rachel Quimby and Ben Young {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Paul Charters and Family {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Kathleen F Parthé {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Merle and Eddie Feld {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Barbara and Michael Burkart {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Rachel Vigderman {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Jeffers Engelhardt and Triin Vallaste {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Nicola Courtright {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Cintra Pollack {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
George and Susanne Timmerman {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Catherine Madsen, Sarah Thompson, and Joe Boucher {in honor of Haim Gunner's 100th birthday}
Ken Schoen {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Dale Peterson {in loving memory of Boris Wolfson}
Michael and Gail Perlman {in honor of Haim Gunner's 100th birthday!}
Fred, Betsy, and Rachel Lawful {in honor of Haim Gunner's 100th Birthday}
Caryn Roll and Richard Kirsch {in honor of Haim Gunner on the occasion of his 100th birthday}
Gershon and Daniella Stark
Education Fund
Jonathan Bass {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Devorah Jacobson and Margaret Mastrangelo {Mazal tov to Frieda Howard and Chaim Gunner on their 100th birthdays}
Janis and Steve Wolkenbreit {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Andrea Sims {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Monda and Sonia Halpern {in honor of Dr. Haim Gunner in honour of his 100th birthday!}
Tikkun Olam Fund
Barton Byg {in memory of Boris Wolfson, with condolences to family and friends}
Ken and Kitty Talan {in honor of Haim Gunner}
World Jewish Concerns
Devorah Jacobson and Margaret Mastrangelo {In honor of Mila Sherman becoming an endowed professor at UMASS}
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Morgan Terres and Lauren Harvey {in honor of Minnie's Upsherin}
Tobi, Michael and Marc Sznajderman, and Joel Harris, Elaine Witt and Jeannette Sznajderman {In honor of Rabbi Weiner, for his caring and thoughtful leadership during Suzanne Sznajderman's unveiling ceremony}
Jeff Cohen {in honor of Joan Saperstan}
Devorah Jacobson and Margaret Mastrangelo {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
Shirah and Jim Vollmer {in honor of Haim Gunner}
Cemetery Fund
Ken and Kitty Talan {in memory of Boris Wolfson}
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA July Birthdays!
Reed Alper, Caleb Ballantine, Janet Bordwin, Robert Boutilier, Camilla Brewer, Jillian Diamond, Jacqueline Faison, Isla Ferris, Micah Franzman, Gerald Friedman, Natasha Friedman, Tyler Gladstone, Rachel Glassberg, Sylvia Goldman, Marina Goldman, Joel Greenbaum, Krista Harper, Jesse Harris, Hans Herda, Jennifer Holme, Jacob Holzberg-Pill, Lee Jennings, Jenny Kallick, Ari Klopfer, Nora Klotz, Kevin Lake, Maya Lavender, Mat Lebowitz, Charles Levi-Nielsen, Shana Levi-Nielsen, Katherine Lippa, Johanna Lippa, Gabriella Lippa, David Lippa, Richard Madowitz, Richard Michelson, Anita Page, Michael Pill, Miranda Reiken, Aiden Rhodes, Aviva Richardson, Josh Rose, Ilene Rosenfeld, Aurora Rowen Klimmek, Elissa Rubinstein, Aaron Rubinstein, Robert Samet, Aliya Schneider, Irv Seidman, Amira Shulman, Peter Spencer, Morgan Terres, Nina Theis, Althea Turner, Jeff Weston, Matthew Wolkenbreit, Janis Wolkenbreit
May Donations + June Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for May 2024.
General Fund
Reva and Scott Novey
Jody Rosenbloom and Joel Kaminsky {in memory of Ellen Bernstein}
John Burruto {in honor of Sylvia Burruto}
Susan and Steve Marcus {in memory of Amy Anaya's father, Harold Portner}
Ken and Kitty Talan {in memory of Amy Anaya's father, Harold Portner}
Judith Souweine {in honor of Frieda Howard's 100th birthday}
Jon Machta and Betsy Brooks {in memory of Erica Loeb Kestyn}
Bert Schwarz
Susan Zarchin {in honor of the 100th birthdays of Chaim Gunner and Frieda Howards}
Rachel and Bob Vigderman {in honor of Mila Sherman becoming an endowed Professor}
Sandy Sulsky {With thanks to Ruth Love Barer, for your empathy and kindness leading a shiva minyan for my brother}
Barbara Schaffer Bacon {in honor of Frieda Howards on the occasion of her 100th birthday}
Ken and Kitty Talan {Celebrating Amy Rothenberg‘s healing}
Linda Nober {in memory of the Nober Family}
Tikkun Olam Fund
Ken and Kitty Talan {in honor of Frieda Howard's 100th birthday on May 8th}
Susan Zarchin {in honor of Devorah Jacobson's birthday}
World Jewish Concerns
Judith Souweine {in honor of Haim Gunner's 100th birthday}
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Jeff Cohen {in memory of the yahrzeit of Meir Kirschenbaum}
Barbara Burkart {in memory of her mother, Maralin Weinberg}
Jon Machta and Betsy Brooks {in honor of Haim Gunner's 100th birthday}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in honor or the yortzeit of her beloved husband Michael Kirschenbaum}
Jeff Cohen {in memory of Noah Benjamin Pack Miller}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in honor of the yortzeit of Peter Salzman, may his memory be for a blessing}
Jeff Cohen {in memory of Noah Benjamin Pack Miller}
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA June Birthdays!
Aaron Bousel, Alex Hirshberg, Aliza Fogelson, Allen Davis, Anne Krauss, Anthony Burton, Ari Addes, Ava Greenbaum, Aviva Okun, Barbara Slovin, Benjamin Israel, Benjamin Lake, Bob Bezucha, Catherine Madsen, Dale Schwarz, Dalia Strohmeidav, David Greenbaum, David Piech, Diana Brewer, Eden Polak, Elaine Walsh, Eliyanah Shoshanah, Elsie Fetterman, Eric Sommers, Evan Grabell, Evan Bollinger, Felicia Mednick, Gaius Turner, Guy Wood, Haim Gunner, Hannah Weitzman, Jacob Goldman, Jacqueline Katz, Jason Offner, Jeffrey Mazur, Jessica Bulman, Jill Shulman, Jill Roberts, Joan Rabin, Joey Levin, Jonah Spitzer, Jonah Scudere-Weiss, Jonathan Kliman-Hernandez, Judith Loischild, Katherine Vorwerk Feldman, Larissa Chernock, Leah Parker-Bernstein, Linda Reif, Margot Goldberg, Minnie Terres, Miriam Goren-Watts, Nancy Simons, Nina Mentin, Norman Brown, Richard Pivirotto, Rob Okun, Robert Horowitz, Ruby Schmerling, Samuel Kalman, Sarah Cohen, Seth Blaustein, Sharon Weizenbaum, Shiri Dori-Hacohen, Solomon Thorrick, Sophia Normark, Sophie Bousel, Wyatt Man, Zvi Rozen
April Donations + May Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for April 2024.Sherry and Art Hyman {in memory of Erika Kestyn, daughter of Karen and John Loeb, with sincere condolences)
Janet Potash Potash {in memory of Jeanne Potash and Philip Louis Potash}
Pearl Ann and Nathan Margalit {in memory of Allen Kropf - a wonderful mentsh!}
Jeff Rothenberg and Sarah Feldman>
Rabbi's Discretionary FundHalina Rothstein
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA May Birthdays!
Danyel Addes, Arnie Alper, Leah Alper, Sarah Alper, Kyla Amick, Michael Ash, Danielle Barshak, Adi Bemak, Lani Bemak, Gabriel Benvenuto-Ladin, Gail Black, Peter Blain, Seth Blain, Gabriel Bodhi, Simon Bousel, Mike Brady, Alexis Brandt, Judah Busacker, Kyle Busacker, Rebecca Clingman, Mindy Domb, Helena Donovan, Ella Dunne, James Dunne, Joan Epstein, Addie Gamliel, Daniel Glassberg, Leah Goodlaxson Levy, Eliza Gouverneur, Peter Grabell, Adam Gundersheim, Eden Hahn, Jordene Hale, Lauren Harvey, Loren Henschel, Tobin Henschel Ludwig, Jonah Herscu, Paul Herscu, Gabrielle Holme-Miller, Sarah Horowitz, Frieda Howards, Michelle Huber, Devorah Jacobson, Deshawn James, Danielle Kadinoff, Bruce Klotz, Robert Kumin, Jesse Lambdin, Matthew Lambdin, Jay Levin, Jeremy Levit, Lewis Mainzer, Carol Mardeusz, Pearl-Anne Margalit, Naomi Meir, Linda Mondschein, Michael Offner, Batya Perman, Ryan Priestly, Daniel Reif, Jeffrey Roth-Howe, Elizabeth Rubin, Kathy Rubin, Stephanie Sandler, Oren Schmerling, Miles Schneider, Linda Sinapi, Howard Smith, Warren Smith, Ezra Sobel, Sophie Sweeting, Jerry Terres, Lois Terres, Hannah Tessler, Isidor Thorrick, Gabriel Trobaugh, Miriam Trobaugh, Ella Weitzman, Shelley Wolf
March Donations and April Birthdays
General Fund
Ellen Mentin {in memory of Howard Mentin}
Bina and Ira Addes {in memory of Erica Kestyn}
Hattie Nestel and Marcia Gagliardi {in honor of Purim mishloach manot}
Eileen Rutman {in honor of Purim mishloach manot}
Elinor Levine and Scott Nielsen {in memory of Jaclyn Jacob Frankel and Erica Loeb Kestyn, may their memories be a blessing}
Janet Bordwin {Thank you for Shaloch Manot for Purim}
Ruth Love Barer {in memory of my grandfather, Abe Dubroff, David Stein, Aaron Kropf's father, Allen Kropf, and Walter Leopold} {in honor of Rabbi Weiner's contract renewal, and the birth of Aaron and Patience Bousel's grandson Otis, and in honor of Hadar Grabel's birthday}
Tikkun Olam Fund
Judi and Kip Fonsh {in memory of Mara Hahn's mother}
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Jeffrey Cohen {For the second Yartzheit of Serafina Lori Holder-Webb}
Jeffrey Cohen {In memory of Allen Kropf}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {Allen Kropf may his memory be for a blessing}
Chuck and Connie Songer
Ken Schoen {in memory of Serene and Emmanuel Rubin}
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA March Birthdays!
Rafael Ash, Kitty Axelson-Berry, Edie Bacal, Joanna Ballantine, Daniel Berlin, Alan Berman, Herbert Bernstein, Joseph Boucher, Samantha Boutilier, Judith Brodsky, Anne Bruder, Michael Bulman, Michael Burkart, Audrey Butler, Nina Chernoff, Stephen Clingman, Sallie Deans Lake, Gonen Dori Hacohen, Reuma Fogelson, Marya Fonsh, Makayla Gladstone, Peter Gladstone, Matthew Goldberg, Josh Goldman, Kol Goodstein, Hadar Grabel, Alexandra Greenwood, Natalie Greenwood, Eliezer Huber, Ethan Kannel, Jared Kannel, Lisa Kent, Adin Klotz, Hannah Lebowitz, Elliot Lindsey, Jesse Loeb, Nina Mankin, Eli Meir, Shirah Neumann, Jonah Okun, Ruby Pepper Aisenberg, Holly Perry, Ava Polak, Isabel Polak, Caroline Raisler, Jonah Rose, Dennis Rosen, Evan Roth-Howe, Rachel Schwab-Rehorka, Daniella Sherman, Randi Stein, Helen Sternheim, John Stothoff, Pearl Strong, Jonas Theis, David Tobin, Eliana Weiner, Samuel Weiss, Isaac Weitzman, Bob Winston, Janet Winston
All of this information is also available on the JCA website in the News and Announcements section. You can find it there by clicking the link below.
Purim Basket Donations - thank you!
February Donations and March Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for February 2024.
General Fund
Ina Porth {Happy Birthday to Barbara Berlin}
Nina, Don, Joshua, and Noah Tetenbaum {in honor of our mother, grandmother, Shirley Zalkind's 99th birthday}
Susan Marcus {in memory of Mara Hahn's mother, Chaya Morman Kaplan}
Susan Zarchin {in memory of Jeff Cohen's brother Dennis}
Sheree Loftus
Jane Shapiro Zacek
Mallory and Alan Caplan {in memory of Erica Kestyn}
Karen and John Loeb {in honor of Ruth Love Barer}
Rhonda Frankel-Fein & Richard Fein {in memory of Erica Kestyn, daughter of Karen and John Loeb}
Pearl-Anne and Nathan Margalit {In memory of Erica Kestyn, Karen and John Loeb's daughter}
Tikkun Olam Fund
Paul Herscu and Amy Rothenberg {in appreciation of complete healing}
Janet and Albert Chevan {in memory of Erica Kestyn}
Colin Stevenson
Randi Stein {In memory of Erica and in honor of Karen and John Loeb}
Emergency Fund
Ken and Kitty Talan {in memory of Karen and John Loeb’s daughter Erica }
Tzedakah Fund
Ken and Kitty Talan {in memory of Mara Hahn's mother}
Steve and Janis Wolkenbreit {in honor of Debbie Roth-Howe's 70th birthday}
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in memory of Dennis Cohen, brother of Jeff Cohen, may his memory be a blessing}, {in memory of Chaya Morman Kaplan mother of Mara Hahn may her memory be a blessing}
Lois and Carl Rosenbloom {in honor of our Granddaughter, Kaelyn Rose Brunton's Bnai Mitzvah}
Jeffrey Cohen
Ken and Kitty Talan {in memory of Jeff Cohen‘s brother }
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum { in memory of Erica Kestyn, daughter of Karen and John Loeb may her memory be for a blessing}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in honor of the birth of Marvin Joyce Freire to Haley Reimer Peltz and Raffa Freire MAZEL TOV!}
Annual Appeal Donations
Anita Page {in memory of Sarah and Julius Kumove}
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA March Birthdays!
Rose Abel-Zucker, Nathan Abraham, Ira Addes, Hannah Allaben, Jason Bloom, Epi Bodhi, Rebecca Bousel, Jessica Brandt, David Bulman, Barbara Burkart, Thomas Butler, Amelia Clingman, Matthew Cohen, Rachel Cohen, Rona Chayah Conrad, Spencer Diamond, Wendy Domjan, Rebecca Fisher, Nicole Fonsh, Yonathan Goderez, Evelyn Goldenberg, Sloane Grabell, Adam Grabell, Alison Grabell, Jenna Greenbaum, Harry Hahn, Benjamin Hernandez-Sommer-Kliman, Saul Hirshberg, Mikaela Holme-Miller, Shoshana Holzberg-Pill, Debra Jacobson, Hollie Kalkstein, Jean Krogh, Liliana Kualapai, Deborah Levheim, Jodi Levine, Noah Madowitz, Rachel Madowitz, Max Maier, Caden Mainzer, Raquel Mazur, Calliope McMahon, Amina Mednicoff-Misra, Sean Peterfreund, Lydia Powell, Amy Rothenberg, Richard Rubin, Eli Schneider, Linda Seidman, James Seltzer, Emma Simmons, Ruth Smith, Benjamin Soulos, Renee Spring, Noah Tetenbaum, Stacy Tobin, Bradford Turner, James Wald, Ariel Wigdor, Tavi Wolfwood, Liana Wolkenbreit, Peter Wood
January Donations and February Birthdays
We are pleased to acknowledge the thoughtfulness and generosity of all donations in the past month to different funds at the JCA, and the tributes that have been offered to members, friends and family. Here is the list of donors for January 2024.
General Fund
Rabbi Michael Greenwald {as thanks for the High Holiday services this past year}
Evelyn Goldenberg {in memory of Marjorie Zoll}
Guy Wood {in appreciation of the JCA Board as it begins a new year}
Leonard and Marian Lubinsky {in memory of Leonard's father Charles Lubinsky}
Barbara Burkart {in memory of her father Warren Weinberg}
Tikkun Olam Fund
Nina Dabek and Peggy Shannon {in honor of the Immigration Justice and Racial Justice Initiatives}
Cemetery Fund
Ken Talan {in memory of Louis Talan}
Tzedakah Fund
Judith Souweine {in honor of Susan Zarchin's milestone birthday}
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in memory of Judith and Gadi Weinstein- Haggai, cousins of Bob Winston , victims of the Hamas attack on October 7th}
Jeff Cohen {In honor of the wedding anniversary of Bob Horowitz and Catherine Nagel}
Jeff Cohen {in memory of The tragic loss of life of Judith and Gadi Weinstein-Haggai}
Ross and Shira Bettinger {in honor of our welcoming aliyah}
Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum {in memory of Rabbi David Dunn Bouer's mother, Nancy}
Judi Wisch {in memory of Pat Wisch and in honor of Rabbi Weiner}
Jeff Cohen {in memory of Dennis Cohen}
Annual Appeal Donations
Burt Franzman and Joan Epstein
Hannah Blau
Rabbi Yechiael Lander
Jon Machta and Betsy Brooks
Anita Page {in memory of Sarah and Julius Kumove}
We are pleased to acknowledge the community members who are celebrating birthdays this month!
If you have a birthday this month, but are not acknowledged here or did not receive a birthday postcard in the mail, it means we don't have your date of birth in our membership system. Please call or email the JCA office to update your information.
Happy birthday to all the JCA February Birthdays!
Lena Amick, Sarah Berlin, Ronnie Booxbaum, Jacob Black, Alex Bloom, Barbara Berlin, Frederick Bloom, Lisa Blain, Jeffrey Cohen, Bryn Chernoff, Eli Cohen, Marvin Ellin, Charles Forray, Leah Hirshberg, Joel Harris, Adam Horowitz, Misha Herscu, Nina Hernandez-Kliman, Cara Kingston, Gabriel Kaufman, Margie Krems, Elinor Levine, Sophie Lindsey, Linda McConnell, Rabi Mednicoff-Misra, Sebastian McMahon, Liliya Miller, J. Marshall Ash, Amy Mittelman, Lisa Pack Kirschenbaum, Stella Porth, Ella Pearce, Asa Parker-Bernstein, Eli Perkins, Tom Porter, Gary Rehorka, Harry Rockland-Miller, Deborah Roth-Howe, Eliana Strohmeidav, Elan Samet, Leora Schwartzer, Benjamin Sarat, David Sharken, Hal Schneider, Donald Tetenbaum, Nina Tetenbaum, Zachary Tobin, Robert Vigderman, Lawrence Wishnow, Steven Wolkenbreit, Beverly Woolf, Jody Wax, Boris Wolfson
The Jewish Community of Amherst
742 Main St
Amherst, MA 01002