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Trax - Columbus' Creative District has a new Website!

Trax -- Columbus' Creative District is dedicated to building community and things are just getting started.

We’re proud to announce our new website that includes more local resources and information with tools to automatically include content, events, and information from participating local businesses through our partnership with Locable.

On our new site, you'll be able to:

  • Find information about local businesses in the Trax Creative District

  • See and add community activities & events on our Community Calendar

  • Look for updates and local stories that share examples of what makes Columbus and the Trax - Columbus' Creative District so great, and so much more.

“Trax - Columbus' Creative District is a certified area in Columbus' historical downtown whose emphasis is on promoting and bringing art to the area, said Jean Van Iperen, Planning & Economic Development Coordinator for the City of Columbus. “Art in an area can attract tourists, thereby boosting local businesses such as restaurants and shops as well as breathe new life into an area and stimulate economic development and encourage investment in infrastructure and amenities.”

Moving forward, Trax- Columbus' Creative District in cooperation with the Downtown Business Improvement District Board intends to help small businesses use tools to simplify marketing on their own websites, social media, and beyond.

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Originally posted by Trax Creative District via Locable