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Shirley's Thoughts

A Poem by Shirley Proctor written in 2015

I have been inspired to write this sonnet

From the feelings in my heart

As I pondered what to say I wondered where to start


Life gives us many challenges

As the years go flying by

Sometimes it’s hard to handle them

And we might ask the reason why?


We get many blessings from above

Through out our daily lives

Some we just take for granted

And never realize!

Then when sadness comes along

We often wonder why?


But God never promised we’d have

No trials or tribulations in our life

Or that we would never

Have to suffer pain and strife


So when special health needs come along

And we feel nothing but pain and despair

That’s when God makes us special to him

And keeps us in His care


God already knows our hearts

Our anguish and human fears

He knows when we are hurting

And understands our tears

That’s why He sent His son Jesus

To die on calvary

For the sins of all mankind

To save us and set us free!


Our God is loving and forgiving

The Bible tells us so

If we take time to read the scriptures

Then soon our faith will grow


And prayer is very powerful

It’s really God you are talking to

He desires this personal relationship

As He listens to me and you


Like the words in Amazing Grace

I was lost, but now I’m found

This is a message for all of us

With the love of God and family around


Our Earthly life is so very short

Compared to Eternity

Just let God come into your heart

And see how peaceful you will be!


Remember that God made us

And God can save us too!

Our reward will be in Heaven

It’s waiting for me and you!

 Dedicated to my nephew James Proctor

Originally posted by Denton Church of the Nazarene via Locable
Denton Church of the Nazarene

Denton Church of the Nazarene

10660 Greensboro Rd
Denton, MD 21629
(410) 479-2197

Mon 9:00am- 4:00pm
TueBy Appointment
Wed 9:00am- 4:00pm
Thu 9:00am- 4:00pm
FriBy Appointment
Sun 9:30am-12:30pm