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Preparing for 3 Seasons of Downtown Construction

The SDMA has an ongoing meeting with the Stoughton Director of Public Works, Brett Hebert, on the third Monday of every month at Grand Inspired at 10am.  All downtown businesses are welcome.

Downtown Construction information can be accessed at the Wisconsin DOT website.  Construction seasons will be from May through October and will begin in 2025 from 5th Street (Fire Station) to Spring Street on the east.  in 2026 construction will be from Harrison Street up to McFarland to the west.  Construction from Harrison Street through to 5th Street (most of the Main Street businesses) may start in 2027.  We are addressing detours, signage, parking, marketing and event creation to keep our downtown lively and active.  Sidewalks will be maintained for pedestrian access throughout the construction.  When sidewalks are replaced, steel panels will be inserted to maintain access to businesses.  We will provide more information as we can.

Originally posted by Stoughton Downtown Merchant Association via Locable
Stoughton Downtown Merchant Association

Stoughton Downtown Merchant Association

Stoughton, WI 53589