Quickly build a list of sponsors and display them wherever you'd like powered by Local Connections™
There are many reasons to recognize sponsors on your website and content such as events to quickly show appreciation for those who support you.
Both businesses and nonprofits regularly have sponsors for their organization, events, fundraisers, and more. As such, recognizing them on their website is important and while our directory feature is powerful and flexible sometimes you're looking for something a little different. You can use this tool to recognize sponsor logos as either a grid layout or a carousel (slider).
Like our other Local Connections™ tools, this Sponsorship embed leverages the data in your CRM for Companies and Causes which means sponsors must be added to your CRM - as you can see below, you can add them directly as a sponsor or through a few other channels.
Sponsors tools incorporate with and extend our powerful yet time-saving tools such as:
Use with your existing website or leverage our local website engine to consolidate your marketing and operations with Locable.
Import contacts, members, and more to get up and running quickly.
Main Streets, Downtowns, Chambers, Visitor's Authorities and more can take advantage of our additional tools to power directories, job boards, volunteer boards, coupons and offers boards, and more.