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How to Fix It if Your Main Street, Chamber, Tourism Grou... Learn how to transition from a Facebook profile to a page, comply with policies, unlock business tools, and grow your reach effectively.
Are You Sharing Email Newsletter Links to Social Media?"You don't want to send traffic to Constant Contact, you want to send traffic to your website."
Marketing Minutes Episode 4: The Importance of Engagemen... As with many things, the importance of engagement can't be overestimated and it has a real impact across social media.
Marketing 3-4-5™ Content Distribution: The Local Marketi... Content distribution is surprisingly straightforward and it starts with realizing that all content of consequence should live on your we...
Marketing Minutes Episode 3: Comparing Social Media to E... Let's explore the important role of email marketing and common misunderstandings that people have.
Are You Putting Too Much Trust in Social Media including... We address some common mistakes people are now making with their business or nonprofit as it relates to putting too much hope, emphasis,...
Marketing Minutes Episode 1: Facebook Pages & ProfilesHere we address some common mistakes and misconceptions related to modern marketing beginning with Facebook Pages and Profiles.
Is Facebook No Longer a Viable Social Network for Local ... Thinking of Facebook as a viable free social network for local businesses is probably, now, completely wrong... "you'll see less public ...
If Your Facebook Page Has a Large, Engaged Audience Ask ... Given the nature of the post, which appears to be a very well attended event on a beautiful day, it makes sense that the post would be p...
Don't Share Naked - Personalize to Add Authenticity and ... When you share content and don't add a personalized message it feels like a bot posted it and, as a result, people don't tend to engage ...
Is Boosting a Post on Facebook Worth It? Real-World Exam... Facebook is an amazing tool for people and businesses and they have become incredibly profitable thanks in part to the ease in which the...
Which is Better, Posting to a Blog and Sharing or Direct... How you post and distribute content matters, once you understand the best way to post and share content it makes complete sense.